sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

I only know when he, began to danced with me.

I couldn't sleep tonight.
Not for all the jewels in the crown!

I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.

I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.

I'll never know What made it so exciting;
Why all at once My heart took flight.

I only know when he
Began to dance with me I could have danced,
danced, danced all night!

Audrey Hepburn en My fair lady. HERMOSA pelicula; perfecta y sublime como es Hepburn.
Y tienen qe escuchar "I could have danced all night" una de las canciones de la pelicula, interpretada por Audrey, obviamente. Parte de la banda sonara y de una de las escenas.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

oh wow...

wow a la vida entera que es sorprendente.
A esa libertad qe creo, nunca podre obtener. ¿Porqe no puedo agarrar un auto e irme lejos... por unas horas?

¿Porqe no puedo ser cassie, kirsten dunst, rachel bilson, cory kennedy, edie sedgwick, marianne faithfull...?

A veces, muchas veces... esto me cabrea....

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

I remenber...

when we used to sit in the government yard in trenchtown,
oba, observing tthe hypocrites
as they would mingle with the people we meet .

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

What had he to lose

Sacrificials remains make it hard to forget


The myriad choices of his fate
Set themselves out upon a plate
For him to choose

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

how bad life gets...

You're not even old enough to know how bad life gets.   Obviously, Doctor, you've never been a  13-year-old girl. 

cecilia was the first to go.

I don't think Cecilia truly meant to end her life.
Her act was a cry for help.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

this is your moment nina

El momento de la vida es nuestro.

Cueste lo qe cueste, sean cuales sean nuestros deseos; la perfeccion no tiene limites y los objetivos justifican los hechos.